I know no longer where I found this [DAY], but because I really like it, I would also like to answer it.
Hardcover or paperback?
I prefer the paperback. It is much easier to handle.
I prefer the paperback. It is much easier to handle.
Amazon or bookstore?
bookstores - I will choose my own books and look ...
bookstores - I will choose my own books and look ...
Bookmark or dog-ear?
donkey ears. Somehow I like it when books look used. This gives the book again something special - unique.
donkey ears. Somehow I like it when books look used. This gives the book again something special - unique.
Order by author, title or disordered? Neither. I arrange my books by genre.
hold, sell or throw away? In any case RESERVE!
keep dust jacket or throw away? keep - after all, is the cover to the book.
read with jacket or without? I read with envelope, even if the sometimes cumbersome.
short story or novel? Like both very good. But I rather read novels.
quitting when one is tired or if the chapter is over? basically I need to read up to chapter end. Only then is an act most part - in part - complete.
"The night was dark and stormy" or "Once upon a time"? The former. I do not read like fairy tales.
buy or rent? now.
New or used? Preferably new.
purchasing decision: bestseller list, review, recommendation or browse? I like to browse and search and myself out books that might interest me. I look at and also on the bestseller lists.
Closed End or Cliffhanger? I hate cliffhangers! Preferably a closed end.
morning read, noon or night? just as I did. But what I read in the summer evening outside.
single band or show? I love book series!
favorite show? "Undead and Un-" series by Mary Janice Davidson (Volume 1: Undead Female single)
favorite book, has never heard from anyone?
I think you know the books I read.
I think you know the books I read.
know But many "Kismet Knight - the vampire psychologist" by Lynda Hilburn not. This book I like totally!
favorite book you've read last year?
Attention, attention: "Bis (s) Eclipse" by Stefenie Meyer.
What book are you reading now? Evernight by Claudia Gray.
absolute favorite book of all time? Oh no ... this is really difficult. Even if this book series has already fallen into disrepute, I love "Bis (s) New Moon" by Stefenie Meyer.
I think the book is not just because of the history of my favorite novel, but because I have read it at a time where I was really good mood, outside it was warm and so I connect with this book series simply positive memories, I think.
favorite authors?
the moment I do not have a favorite author.
But when I consider that I have read of the "Undead and Un-" _Reihe eight volumes, but can say that I favor Mary Janice Davidson.
done - hach the [TAG] is something different.
Thank you in advance, that so many of you on my polls! I am absolutely thrilled and excited to see how the proceeds!
The "Horrortin" is also survived almost. I think it was in Twitter, it was told me that yesterday "the day of the singles " was. Well, bravo! As if the Horrortin were not bad enough!
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