What is the moment for humanity going on? The past is more present than ever in recent weeks. A dizzy with all the memories - good and bad, or even suppressed - but they bring a gently but firmly, and take a carousel ride with through the past.
Resistance is futile.
As in a film it is far past the middle of a scene already completed events and get them out before cruel eyes. Reckless and true. So much history takes an air to breathe.
You feel as an actor in a program such as Vampire Diaries, which is full of past and flashbacks. But I am neither a vampire nor an actor. Nevertheless, I am under constant fire of numerous flashbacks ...
shall report to me a long forgotten friend again spoken and imposes itself in my present - totally changed life. To be honest, I do not know what to make of it. But think I know that some things should be preserved as a reminder of the past and should now be no room in the agreement itself. Easier said than done. As to me that friendship was brought back to memory and thus demands a decision from me, I am warm and cold become one. Actually, one should think that it says an old friend again to have a presence to meet again and perhaps flourish again permit. My first reaction, however, was more of a shock than joy. Like a flash it hit me - the past, the memories and the errors that were committed.
Today I am a different person. With its own goals, desires and life. I do not know if this friendship, which belonged to a completely different earlier "Venus " still fits me. Whether I still want to have with me.
Of course I am also a little pleased - to hear that it was even alive in a positive memory. Also I have positive memories. However, more negatives that are not directly related to this friendship, but in close integration with the time.
As if this news would not be enough already past, I am now confronted with two other past friendships. But here I have completely different feelings. Was pleased to hear from them, exchange ideas and perhaps even to meet again. To see how you changed. These friendships were not very close - but are my memories and feelings on the whole very positive.
However - mine is too much history in my presence. Not only my past. After all, my environment is currently on a journey through time. So many memories, people, events, the long forgotten or repressed in a captivating and beautiful
E rinnerung have held their place.
E rinnerung have held their place.
What is going on with people? Why do so many worry about the past. We're young! Have the future ahead of us - I hope so.
But now the past has merged with my presence.
Now it's up to me to make something of it. Should I walk past a chance to give in my present life with which I am very satisfied with how it is to take or should I push gently and with soft emphasis of the past back in her golden vessel of memories and deny them any access to the game?
all love.
PS I'm fit again - from now on will be blogging again more! :-) Hallelujah
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