Sunday, February 13, 2011

Irregular Bleeding 8 Days Before Period

blog idea "Chamy's Diary"

No, Chamy has not applied for a blog idea, so I imagine her blog and not Tuesday as normal practice. This blog I want to put your heart, because I like to pursue infinite and never miss your articles.

General information:

name of the blog: Chamy's Diary
link to the blog :
category (s) : everyday life, experiences, beauty (I would say)
layout : structured girlish, playful, unique, clear

The blog has been active since 2009 .

What I personally love her blog:

I think the fascinating blend of their blogs. I was impressed with her blog from the first click. She writes very personally, adorns each post with a very sweet photos and none of its content has 0-8-15. I also find it very "special" that despite their high number of readers, one hand, has no flash-glittering advertising blog, and also a blogger "to touch" is.
your blog design is simple and definitely unique in any way. Further, I find it incredibly great that one can not constantly with LE-news or product replacement is bombed ( Yes, from time to time are the nice info, but if I have 500 times the same thing in the dashboard, it is no longer so appealing ... and I mean no harm! ).


Here I have picked out one of her article that I like in a particular way. So you get directly a little insight into her writing style:

" Unnecessary heartache wisdom

I you do not want to vorentalten the best wisdom of my colleagues, friends and joy. Yes, it's great all the time somehow to have to do with being male ... all of which are . This empathy and understanding, as we see ;-) (Edit: My colleagues / friends are all really nice and caring and not my sayings such offensive or anything, but were said to my Augheiterung I'm humorous and! not offended. So do not panic. ;-))

Oh, for you I'm not worried that you do not hurt severely ... you're always very compatible with other people.
Compatible? I will now compared with a technical stuff? Such a statement can come only from a male being.

If you aufbrezelst up a bit, then you will certainly at some point again gotten one.
some point? Aufbrezeln? Does that mean I look at the time Scheme * SSE?

"cosmetic sample"

As already mentioned, there are simply not in her "Photos" to see or even a AMU. She paints often pretty eye makeup and cosmetics will be looking for, but she presents her little "art" very decorative:

And now on to her blog!

Chamy love, I hope you enjoyed this little article.
Now you know I am a young fan of your blog,-D
Looking forward to many more items from you!



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